Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dig In Project #2

Or maybe I should say, dig out? You see, we just painted and did some decorating in our bedroom. It's lovely and peaceful and relaxing. Except that underneath it all, lurks the monster of disorganization. My drawers are filled with clothing that no longer fits. Three drawers house the nicks and nacks that collect on the dresser and are then hastily swept in to create the illusion of neat and tidy. Three THREE drawers full of nicks and nacks that have no home - some of which I haven't seen in years. Around the corner and through the bathroom you'll find our closet. Also a pitiful display. Just pit-eee-ful! I suppose I could have taken a picture and posted it yesterday as yet another example of how loving and supportive my Honey is. I know this stuff drives him up the wall.

And so, my dear friends, whilst walking through the beloved Costco near my home, I spotted this lovely little shelf, organizer thingy. My mind began to spin about the closet and so I brought it home. This was 3 or 4 weeks ago I think. I've since been trying to remember what it was exactly that possessed me to tackle such a project.

You will not receive any before photos. I'm sorry. My kitchen was acceptably bad and I was not ashamed to show you what was happening behind closed cabinet doors. My bedroom and my closet are shammmmmmmmeful.
Let's just say, I couldn't get to the back of the closet for the mounds of stuff on the floor. I will, however, post something in the intermediate stages and then the finished product.

The first couple of hours were spent emptying and dismantling the mess. Now? I must face it and sort it. 'Search and Destroy' may have to be my motto. Bags of clothing and shoes may be waking up in the thrifty store.

I suppose my lunch break is about over. Otherwise I might find a comfy spot on the davenport and not move until the boys return home from school.


Did you really use the word Davenport? What the...? That's what my grandparents called their couch. In the dictionary a davenport is 'a large sofa, often convertible into a bed.' I suppose it goes along with 'pocketbook' (a purse or handbag) and 'parambulator' (a wheeled device in which one places a baby and pushes while walking).

Remember the Spongebob episode when he's supposed to write a 500 word essay about what not to do at a stop light? He spends all night feeding Gary, cleaning his kitchen, calling Patrick and then blaming Patrick for interupting him, talking to the delivery guy at the door, etc., and then he falls asleep at his desk? Yeeeaaah. That would be me...right now. Right. Now. Still typing.... Ok, fine! I'll go work on that dumb closet.

Sheesh! You don't have to be so bossy!



danandcami said...

CAN'T WAIT!! I love before and after pictures or at least part way through and after. It makes me so happy for you and then makes me wish I could find the courage to do the same. Way to go!!!!

Memzy said...

So inspirational, you are. Can't wait to see the final pics.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

I'm BEYOND ticked there are no before pics. BE. YOND. But I too await with baited breath for the half way and final results.

You can do it!