This is George. George is turning 8 on Sunday so that meant snack at school today. Normally, I save the supercutehardtomaketimeconsuming stuff for smaller events and more appreciative recipients. But, my kids have endured a plain old krispykreme donut for a couple of years. Plus, I REALLY like the kids teachers. Plus, they aren't getting a party or anything else. One gift. Treats at school. Done. Don't you love my rationalization for spending several hours making cupcake hamburgers and sugar cookie french fries for 23 7-8 year olds?
The payoff? The teachers and ladies in the office FREAKED!! George's teacher ran for her camera, and gathered some teachers from nearby classrooms to come in and take a gander. Some lady in the hallway saw me walking by and threw a fit over how cute they were. These are things I can deal with.
George insisted on giving one to the principal, who looked at it like it was garbage on a plate and hardly said a word. I guess it's good that he wants to be nice to the principal - even if he wasn't interested in being nice back. He did give George a pencil though. I'll never forget being called to the principal's office when I was in 2nd grade. I was TERRIFIED!! I could hardly breathe. I spent the entire walk (as slowly as I could) digging through my mind to figure out what I'd done wrong, only to finally find out that he just wanted to give me a pencil for my birthday. PHEW!
I will be posting more detailed information about this adventure at Savory Sisters later next week. I'm making these again for Link's birthday on Thursday - and I'll take some fabulous detailed photos. I might even enlist someone to take the photos for me. (whooo could I ask to do that???)
In the meantime, I'm patting myself on the back and trying to ignore the hugemassivemess I made in the kitchen.
Oh - and you'll might be interested to know that I didn't eat one. Not a scrap of cupcake, frosting, sugarcookie fry. Nothing. I'm sad. They look scrumptious. But - I said no.
One more little tidbit of very important information; I give all the credit to Bakerella. She showed me how to do this on her site. Thanks!!!
P.S. See how George's top teeth in the front don't connect with the bottom? Thanks be to The Plug. Some orthodontist will milk us for all we've got on that one.
So. Friggin. Cute
Just a few things...I think you should enlist your dearest friend, who is taking pictures everyday anyway, to come and take pictures of the cute treats. Just sayin'. Principals are weird so who cares if he liked it or not. As a future RDH I would have to say shame on you, but as long as you're brushing and flossing daily I will forgive you. Other than that...happy birthday dear George and it's an important birthday too!!!
So were they crazy hard? Cuz you know I have to make these with the Laurels in, like, 2 weeks. Will I survive without you to help me? Maybe ditch the Beehives that night. They won't care.
::charging camera and clearing the memory card::
MemZ. Thank. You.
Marth - Brushing and ::gulp:: flosssssing Evvveryday. Sure.
Landee - I learned a lot. I'd love to tell you and I'd love to help you too. Luckily - you only have a few girls, instead of 24. Id say the more you have prepped ahead of time, the better. Wanna come over next Wednesday to take some pics??
OK dear friend! I have to see more close up's of the actual product! You can tell by the smile on that kid's face that they were beyond a hit but please, please share more so we other mother's may give it a try! Miss you!
Adorable! I wish I was like you, but I'm one a them Krispy Cream mamas. For life.
Those are Fabulously Awesome! You are so talented! Maybe you should start a business making this kind of thing for people who are "not gifted with this talent"! Way COOL! I bet your son was in Heaven!!!
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